Friday, January 22, 2010


This is a painting by François-Edouard Picot. It is a painting of The Roman goddess Magna Mater or Cybele she was often shown in a chariot drawn by lions. There was a belief that lions couldn’t mate or produce. Cybele often turned people who didn’t properly pay her tribute into these roaring beasts as a punishment Cybele is an example of the fertile earth. She is the goddess of caverns, mountains, walls, fortresses, flowers, and wild animals.
I like this painting because it seems as if everyone is at her feet just trying to get close to her. kind of like she is on this pedestal. I think this shows an image of a strong woman who is looked up to by many others. Also she sits upon this mountain above everyone else and close to God. Maybe that's why people want to be so close to her. It seems as if everyone is on their knees praising her. She looks confident and content in the position she is in. She is strong but tough at the same time.


  1. Good picture. I like the colors used and how the woman was positioned above the men to show her high status of power.

  2. Great picture! I liked your interpretation of a strong woman because everyone seems to be at her feet; I thought the same thing. I also like how she seems to be glowing white while everything else seems darker.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree with the above comments. The color scheme is great, almost like a dark or eerie scene. I also agree with the statement that you believe she is a woman of power. Everyone begging and/or bowing at her feet give off that vibe.

  5. i agree this picture shows a strong women. she seems to have great power of impotance. i think she is a great image for women to look. she provides the essentials need to be inportant just by looking at the picture.
