Thursday, January 14, 2010

Artwork as Theraphy

Title: Unknown

Author: Unknown

Date: Unknown

This is an image I found on after I typed in to search for “artwork therapy”. I sought this to be very entertaining and interesting image because of what it’s representing. A beautiful woman in a gorgeous gown is normal; however holding a gun and drinking what I believe is Jose Cuervo (a strong dark alcohol). The theme to me here is depression and love. The setting is on an altar at church; one can perceive that she since she is wearing a gown and is in a church she is a bride. I believe that she was left at the altar by her fiancé.
The photo is in black and white, which adds more to the whole theme of depression, because usually depression is dark and gloomy. The cross behind her is the center of the artwork, which can symbol a strong sense of religion, unless, is was placed just to portray the church prospective. The balance in the photo is off because the woman is not centered, but more to the left- this makes the space seem a tad bit bigger than if she was centered. We the audience can see the texture of the ground and how much of it there really is. Two-point perspective can be shown as the curtains how they go in toward the cross at the back.

1 comment:

  1. good image, Kristin-
    I think what's behind her is not an altar, but a coffin; we can put together a narrative that she shot her fiance, and INSTEAD of the wedding, there's funeral- a darkly humorous spin on revenge. It's photographed in an elegant style like fashion photography, further underscoring the irony.
