Friday, February 5, 2010

Judith and Her Maidservant Florence, Palazzo Pitti, c. 1613-14

Artist: Artemisia

Titile: Judith & Her Maidservant


Year: 1613-14

This is an image I found through Google; searching Artemisia’s artwork. I chose this picture among the many others because they are a lot of hidden details that I felt should be analyzed. This painting is titled Judith and Her Maidservant Florence. One would predict that because of the facial expression on what may be the maidservant that the two women are either running from something or is surprised. In the basket that I assume is Judith is a head, the head of Holofermes. Color used in this painting is very pleasant and dramatic; I get the feeling of the action being stopped in time of the painting. The dark shadow cased upon the face makes it so that it is hidden. Both of the women appear united in both their strength and their fear as they face the task of evading detection. In research of this painting I learned that if you were to zoom in on the sword one would see an image of a gorgon, symbol of the monstrous power of the violated feminine.

1 comment:

  1. Actually Florence is not the maidservant's name, it's the city where the painting is located.
